Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Star for Annie Release Date 4.1.15

A Star for Annie

Release Date 4.1.15

I can't believe it's here! Not only am I celebrating the release of A Star for Annie, it's also my birthday! Nope, I will not tell you which one.

So, let's celebrate!

I've been sitting on this surprise for a while now, and if you know me, you know I don't do secrets well. I wanted to tell ya'll so bad.

Grand prize is... (insert drum roll here)
An Official Carter Ryan World Storm Tour 2015 T-shirt! Just like they wear on the "tour".
There will be three grand prizes given away. My contest, so I make the rules. LOL.
This contest will be easy peasy, and will help me, as I try to climb the illusive romance writers ladder of ranking. It's all about earning ways to have your "name" in a hat. Yes, I actually mean I will put your name in a hat. Crazy, right? Low tech all the way.

Here's how you play.
1. Subscribe at: = 1 name in hat

2. Like my Facebook page at: = 1
name in hat

3. Share my Facebook page = 1 name in hat

4. Comment on a Facebook post  = 1 name in hat

5. Follow me on Twitter @LScottBooks = 1 name in hat

5. Write a review for any of my books, hopefully A Star for Annie, and email me the name of the platform your review is on. I don't want to know your review name, just the platform you used = 10 names in hat. Yes, 10 whole times your name will be put in the hat.

Other than #1 above you can enter as many times as you want, and yes I will keep up with all of it. It's up to you. You can have it your way.

Check back here on 4.10.15 and see if you've won! I will also announce winners on Facebook.

This is exciting, right?! Wahoo! Contest starts as soon as A Star for Annie reaches your ebook. So get ready! Set! Go!

Facebook is not associated with this contest in any way.

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